Kinzie’s Got It

This is my second shoot with Kinzie. I love it because we get along so well and joke a lot during the shoots. We’re both easy going, hilarious, and awesome. And humble.

This time she’s working on a modeling comp card and came over to my studio for some shots. Here’s a few. Which reminds me, I always mean to come back and post more shots from each shoot to the blog, but it just doesn’t seem to happen. Most things are up on the Facebook page, if you’re interested 🙂

Tooele Glamour, Stansbury Fashion, portrait, blonde, blue eyes, accessories, pretty, Salt Lake

Tooele Glamour, Stansbury Fashion, portrait, blonde, blue eyes, accessories, pretty, Salt Lake

Tooele Glamour, Stansbury Fashion, portrait, blonde, blue eyes, accessories, pretty, Salt Lake

Tooele Glamour, Stansbury Fashion, portrait, blonde, blue eyes, accessories, pretty, Salt Lake

Tooele Glamour, Stansbury Fashion, portrait, blonde, blue eyes, accessories, pretty, Salt Lake

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